Maximizing Weight Lifting with Binaural Subliminal Affirmations CDAre you working hard, lifting hard, but not getting the results you KNOW you can achieve? Do you want that little edge that makes the difference between REALLY getting big and just looking good? There is a mental edge; it's the Maximizing Weight Lifting with Binaural Affirmations CD. Do you want to really get ripped today, to be fantastically motivated and strong and powerful? To re-vitalize yourself and be a powerhouse? If others can use this secret and little known but powerful system so can YOU! You can get REAL results with the Maximizing Weight Lifting Binaural Subliminal Affirmation CD! That ability is within you - you just need to tap into it and free it - that is the edge you get from this CD. It can be done, and soon you will be Big, Powerful and Massive! Don't be left behind!
This is a powerful and extraordinary subliminal series of Affirmations that is specifically designed to go first to your subconscious mind and then direct your brain to let loose your ability to use the power you have to allow you to lift and push more and more - and enjoy it - effortlessly - that power is in you - this CD just lets it flow. These affirmations work - they will multiply your abilities and free psychological blockages to allow you to get bigger than big! These Maximizing Weight Lifting Affirmations are for you!

How does it work? We use the science of binaural beats to reach into the depths of your mind and create a system of self-belief that drives your Creative Thinking to flow unchecked.
The CD accesses the vast reservoir of power in your mind and focuses it on achieving your goal.
Subliminal affirmations work because they are listened to at a volume just slightly too low for the conscience brain to hear, (at times you may hear them faintly in the background - that is fine) but your unconscious brain WILL pick them up - in fact it fights to hear them and it will especially after repeated listening. As such, you will NOT 'hear' the affirmations on the CD - however they are there - much more powerful than reading or reciting them - or listening to them on a non-subliminal level. Not only is this method 100 times more powerful than repeating and focusing on what you want - with subliminals you don't need to concentrate - just listen to them and go about your business! It's the perfect system!
Listen to your CD with stereo headphones. The binaural beats transmit a different sound frequency to each ear. These separate tones send you into the most profound state of relaxation you've ever experienced. This relaxation extends beyond your normal conscious mind deep into your subconscious.
Why delay and procrastinate? Be creative and order your copy of this CD now!

This product is manufactured on demand using CD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.

Price: $16.95

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