Weight lifting exercises can be beneficial or harmful for the voice. Depends on how and when to do it.

What are the benefits of lifting weight for singers?If done properly, can improve these areas...

* Physical - health just like any other physical training, peso-rodamiento exercise builds strength and resistance, increase blood flow, moves the excess mucus away and is generally good for endurance.

* Mental and emotional - well-being releases endorphins and lifts the espíritus.Te makes them feel good to lift weights, clears your head and increases the positive attitude.

* Capacity - breath causes deeper breathing, increased lung capacity and release toxins with the exhale.También increased abdominal muscle tone, it is necessary to support the aperture you breathe.

* Physical appearance - increases muscle tone and definition.

How lifting weights can hurt singers?If you incorrectly...

* This type of exercise may over-strengthen small muscles that surround the vocal, causing a lack of flexibility in the larynx and surrounding... too bad for voice equipment!

* Can cause fatigue, engage the support of encouragement and control.

* You can adjust the throat, neck and shoulders - all of which must be free and flexible to sing and speak.

* Hardening of the glottis holding the breath, who are not familiar with the problems of vowels, trainers can damage vowel!

Here are some guidelines that I find useful to protect the voice to lifting weights:

* Limit the amount of weight lifting!If you deploy the limit, cannot but strained his voice

* Do not hold your breath!Hold your breath is that hardens the glottis and can lead to damage.Instead, exhale as lift.

* Move head on one side to another bit while lifting of limiting the "freezing" of the muscles of the neck and shoulders.

* Stretch muscles before and especially after adjournment

* Not to lift weights just before of singing... give time for relajarse.12 hours his throat, neck and shoulders to lift before that sings is a good idea.

To find a personal trainer who trained singers and know how to protect them.

Why weightlifting can be harmful for vocalists is above all the people of pressure put on the vocal cords when they have your breath to push the pesos.Así simply not ronco, or keep your throat closed to the levantamiento.Hay large caution would: weightlifting is properly advised that it hardens the back of your neck and shoulders to protect the cuello.Hacerlo when you lift weights... but not to use your voice.The face down "T-zone" neck and shoulders must relax when singing, nor speak.

If you can maintain retention closely his throat together during lifting weights and can remember relax tense and muscle areas that build on the neck and shoulders when you use your voice, can lift weights in a safe way for your vocal.Levantar apparatus light weights I mismo.Sin embargo would weightlifting serious the same day as the rendimiento.Luz aerobic exercise instead.

For essential information about the voice, please contact:

Judy Rodman-singer/songwriter/producer/vocal instructor, developer of...Vocal power path & Performance? training - learning from a professional who has been where you go!

Product Web sites, blogs, and vocal training: http://judyrodman.com News: http://judyrodman.com/newsletter-signup

Judy Rodman has over 30 years of professional experience as a singer of session, award-winning artist, performer of theatre and television, a multi-genre composer success, a producer of study and advisory vowel and Professor of voice very sought-after.