Weight lifting is one of the oldest and simplest human endurance sports. As its name suggests, lifting weights is about how much weight you can lift a person. A lot of awareness about physical fitness in today's world, weight training is becoming popular. Sometimes, weight training weight lifting and terms are used interchangeably. This is actually incorrect, since they are two completely different disciplines.

The participant who raises the heavyweight in conformation with the prescribed rules and regulations is declared in weightlifting events, ganador.Entrenamiento weight on the other hand is continuous physical exercise performed with weights.

Weights have to cultivate various skills such as resistance, power, determination, specific and similar techniques. As with any sport enthusiasts of the weightlifting in several years of practice and comply with strict rules with respect to diet and exercise.

As a sport, weight lifting has been popular for centuries and has been one of the principal means of labelling of human strength and endurance. Historical records show that inclusion of lifting weights in the first Olympic Games were held in Greece, more than 2000 years ago.In the 19th century, lifting weights used to be an event color in circuses and the first instance of the modern version of the Olympic Games, the games of 1896, ferias.Incluso had included sport. The first world weightlifting Championships were held in 1891. However, weightlifting women only began in the 1980s and was included in the Olympic Games in 2000.

At first glance, this sport is simple. That implies is a non-slip surface and the required weights. These weights are manufactured according to international standard specifications.Barbells steel with weights at each end was lifted by the participants in eventos.estos events are classified according to the weights to be lifted. Participants specialize in its own category and train accordingly.The weights that are mounted on the barbells steel receive rubber coatings color.Each color represents a certain weight and used accordingly.

Weightlifting events have two categories principales.Uno known as the snatch, implying a clean movement overhead.The other category is of time, which consists of two pasos.Se first held the weight for a moment in front of the neck and then swept over the cabeza.Hay different divisions within each category, depending on the BMI of the participante.La international weightlifting, based in Budapest, is authority for the sport.

Lifting weight [http://www.e-WeightLifting.com] provides detailed information about the lifting, weight lifting, weight lifting, weight lifting weight belts exercises team and much más.Levantamiento weight is affiliated with [http://www.Workout-Web.com] training routines.