Do you remember that when they were a child?

See some children playing. Face. Jump.Suben.Caen and then receives new.

You can feel as telling them to slow down, but you never have to tell children to accelerate.

Then you have older

But things change when aging. It may not be as fast as it used to be.You can even consider the idea of that, "I am too old to exercise".

You see in a lot of people just from high school. Not only are active ya.Piensan his running and jumping days are behind them. It is simply not true.

You still have it

It may be active at any edad.Y can use exercise, heavy exercise, to help you get the body lean you want to.

Now, by the strap in the shoes of gym and start taking Sprint a glimpse of his condition. Is really out of shape?Then you need to build up gradually.

Too much, too soon and you can injure you mismo.O will be too tired to continue, and will.

Therefore where to start

So what if you're not already a child, but decides that it is time to enter some kind of way?The best answer for you is the resistance training.

What is resistance training?There are many ways to make resistance training.But the type that can be done and can do weightlifting.

Weightlifting at any age, is the safest and most effective way to get in forma.Y especially if you are receiving more ancient, hard, most heavy and out of shape, lifting weights can be ideal for you.


That may not seem logical at first glance, but here is by qué.Un example of the benefits of weight training is located in the research conducted by the University of Arkansas.(Guidelines exercise training for older persons.)(Evans WJ, Med Exerc Sci.Jan sports; 31 (1): 12-7) 1999

This is one of the many studies that showed the benefits of the formation of heavyweight at all ages.

Chose the elderly residents of elderly and mandate to high intensity resistance training.This is true - weights pesados.Las elderly are the group that could think that it would be more prone to injuries and less likely to exercise.

Find him?

What researchers found was fragile elders to develop greater muscle mass and considerably higher in a few short weeks.

Once fit más.Todo from high intensity training, became more active in their daily lives.

What is high intensity?

Defines high intensity resistance training movements more than 60% of the repetition of a maximum participation.For example, if the maximum that could lift once was £ 100 then, high intensity resistance training would require that raise at least 60 pounds.

Sixty percent of its maximum repetition is enough resistance to cause muscle growth.

You have to work the muscles against resistance to cause growth muscular.Es why most people get so little out of your treadmill workouts and they often why give up.

Worked on the tape does not stimulate the growth of muscles, and will not give you any changes in your body that are waiting for.

Will work for you?

If it works for elderly in a nursing home surely someone will work for you.Works for people of all ages.

Any resistance training will give you all kinds of ventajas.Aumenta muscle tone and increases muscle mass.

The higher tone gives women a figure shapelier.Da men more powerful silhouette.The largest mass burn calories and weight loss of aid.

What exercise should be done?

There are many forms of resistencia.Se training will do any exercise that will make you exercise at least 60 percent of its maximum esfuerzo.Pero if it is out of shape is very difficult to make a lot of resistance activities.

Pullups are grandes.pushups are maravillosos.Incluso climbing a tree funcionaría.Pero for those things you have to already be in very good shape.

But what happens if you are not in good working with weights is ideal for most people - resistance exercise especially if you're out of shape.

Why is this? because weights come in all sizes, from canned soup 8 ounces in his closet to 150 pound weights in the gimnasio.La exercise variety is endless and limited only by your imagination. There are many excellent books, videos, and journals available on the subject.

What are the benefits?

Earnings that are easy to see, because the numbers are there ahead of you. started with 10 libras.Ahora are lifting 20 libras.Por therefore you don't have to wonder whether to make profits.

You will profit, and you'll see that in some few semanas.Levantamiento weights can bring dramatic in a very short period of time, changes while hecho.Esto is especially true if you leave that get really out of ironic forma.Resulta, but the worst way that is easier is to improve.

Weightlifting is fun!

And perhaps most importantly the weight lifting can be divertido.Se will see after it fun when you see yourself intente.Es become strong and lean.

So give it an oportunidad.Usted tried every diet "rapid weight loss" gimmick that has come and look at where you are ahora.Tienes nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Lift some pesos.Perder something peso.Si your grandmother can do it, so that you can.

Are you tired of being fat?

Dan Curtis, is an author, lecturer and Professor universitario.Para more help with your weight loss, visit: how many calories you need to lose weight?