If you feel that your physical condition is not exactly as you wish it was because you have extra fat, consider losing through lifting weights. Many people associate with constructors of body weight, but this should not be taken as a way to get strong and muscular. Controlled lifting weights is one of the most effective ways to lose weight and keep it down. It is suitable for older 12 both male and female persons.

Step 1: obtain a medical clearance
Before entering the weightlifting program, it is vital to get a medical certificate from a doctor to make sure that does not have any underlying or unknown problems with their health that may pose a risk while entrenaba.Incluso if you feel or look perfectly, it is always advisable to obtain this authorisation to be sure that it will be able to exercise regularly and can take the pressure that can be applied to you by his coach.

Step 2: Start with three or four sessions of weightlifting weights
If you have easy access to weight lifting machines in the gym, can do so easily dumbbell lifting casually at the beginning. This may be to start with three or four sessions, but may increase over time.At home, you can perform weights session while watching TV or listening to music to help you take your mind off of the ECA.

Step 3: Move more even when not exercising
Sometimes when you are not training, is beneficial to move physically more because it also contributes to weight loss.For example, in place of work or school, if you have to reach a top floor in a building of flats, must take the stairs instead of the ascensor.Cuando have extra time at home at night, the dog to walk or jog burn more calories.

Step 4: Paseo more often
You must not mix walking with jogging, always be puede.puede start;walk for 10 minutes a day for the first week and increase this to about one hour in their third or fourth semana.Se can do this right out of the Park, in the neighborhood or using a treadmill.

Step 5: Perform circuit training sessions
A good circuit program combines weightlifting dumbbell with rapid movements between ejercicios.Al principle, you can perform a circuit program each week, then two, three up to six sessions per week when your body is totally adapted to training.

Apart from these training programmes, it is vital that you eat healthy foods to prevent gaining the same calories which record in their training exercises.It must be the basis for healthy eating:

(i) your meals must have moderately low fat but with high content of oils and fats fibra.Las content animals must be kept at a minimum.
(II) eliminate food such as white bread, biscuits, cakes, sweet drinks sugar refined
(III) maintain a diet low in carbohydrates, but not going too much energy for daily practice bien.Necesita but sure the foods that you take to contain good fat.
(IV) instead of yoghurt, soya, cheese or milk completo-grasa, choose low fatty dairy products in your diet.
(v) eat many fruits, grains, seeds, nuts, whole-grain bread and cereals.
(VI) always go for lean, low fat meat or meals vegetarianas.Mantener fast food consumption to a minimum.

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