Weightlifting is a sport that combines power, strength, technique, speed and flexibility, control and concentration.

The attempts of a maximum weight of a coupled with a try.Se weight plates lift has become in not only an exercise, but a sport throughout the world as well.

More and more people have gotten into weightlifting not only to train, but also to compete as well. Not too many competitive Olympic Weight lifter there outside, but finally the piece more aware of the health of the population will have training and compete.

Weightlifting is said to be one of the most popular sports. Often confused with the construction of the body. Understand the basic and essential sport concepts is probably the best tip of weightlifting for beginners and professionals alike.

Weightlifting consists basically of two critical movements - the snatch and times. The snatch is to pull the bar in a rapid March from the floor of the overhead of full arm length.Bend the legs quickly as the bar rises, facilitates the ascensor.Esto allows that the athlete capture bar in an arm length. The combination of strength and speed is perhaps the most important part of the snatch. Jerk movement consists of lifting the full length of the arm bar as well.The cleaning and the blast are technically two different actions.

However, it is also considered as one from an action must be performed immediately after the other. An athlete drag bar in a rapid March from the floor to a point of rest shoulder level only.This is the "clean" of the action part in two times, bent, legs and arms and legs are extended to put the full length of the arm bar overload a moving fast and strong.

Athletes normally involved in a position to "split", in which bend her legs quickly while raising the bar to catch an arm length.In essence, the uprising in the proposals of times is performed in two stages.Of a result, heavyweight compared with the snatch can lift.Another important weight lifting suggestion also says that as a general rule, both legs to catch the bending bar is needed in the snatch and times.

He is also physically impossible for the bar to lift continuously without paradas.Esto can do if the body decreases rapidly as the lift is to be completed and just as its growth rate is slowing down.

Weight lifters must take into account the strength comes primarily from the quadriceps piernas.Los and subsequent string muscles are the main areas that should reforzarse.La later, previous part and shoulders are secundarios.Siendo throughout your body, lifting weights sport also addresses and strengthens muscles menores.Antes that an estimated weight glass gets more complex with postures and positions, should get familiar with the basics first.

For tips about weight lifting and revisions on construction of body guides, visit: http://www.MyWebFitness.com