People spend untold amounts of time and money trying is going to doctors, counsellors, therapists and "coaches life", to improve confidence in itself, increase self-esteem, make it more attractive, have more energy and feel better. The simple truth and sad is that most of the time these efforts do not. Muscle building and weight lifting can carry out each of these things in three hours a week. Here is how.

Everyone agrees that a well-constructed fit body is attractive. What does not get the majority of people is that it is easier to have that they feel. Hour one, three workouts per week, doing the right kind of exercises, over time, can give you the body that nobody would be proud to have.Improve the physical is the best way to increase confidence in himself and the autoestima.Se is improving his car the old way, will have won.

Secondly, muscle building makes it easier to stay trim and lean. For each pound of muscle you, your body burns 50 calories more per day only existing. This means that if you added 10 pounds of muscle your body would consume 500 calories per day, or an increase of 25% of the average calorie needs.You can eat more and not get fat! O eat it and get poorer and poorer. Obviously, the less fat the healthy and the best.

Thirdly, such as adding even small amounts of muscle, your energy levels will sky rocket.Their bodies metabolism going for up to 48 hours after a workout pesas.Por lifting therefore, although you give up to three hours a week of time to develop, are really more productive due to an increase in energy levels.

Do any exercise will make you a more healthy and happy person, but the weight lifting has the added benefit of making you stronger, simpler, two things that everyone would like.Therefore the next time you feel that you need to make some changes in his life, knows a bit of weight training can make a big difference.

Steve r. Robbins has been a fitness enthusiast long vida.Tiene the distinction of being able to run a marathon and Bank press two times its weight in the same día.Todo at the age of 50 years. Editor and regular contributor to